Labor loss on Saturday will be the worst in Election history—Where have the true belivers gone

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In fact, Rudd used to argue – just like the pastor – “marriage is between a man and woman” and “it’s just been our traditional, continuing view”. Was he then a gay-hater?

But with a convert’s zeal, Rudd showed no respect for the opinion he used to hold or for the pastor. He sought to win an argument by bullying, not persuading. Hasn’t that been Labor’s way? To denigrate people for holding opinions Labor itself once held or has since adopted?

Remember how Labor abused as “racists” those of us warning its lax border laws were luring boat people here? See how Labor has since decided, too late, its laws were indeed too soft?

Remember how Labor branded as “misogynists” those of us warning Julia Gillard was incompetent, preaching division and hatred? See how Labor has since admitted Gillard was too divisive?

Remember how Labor vilified as “deniers” those of us warning the carbon tax was a useless fix to a global warming that’s paused? Remember how we were abused, but never answered?

This is the most important lesson from Rudd’s attack. Given the chance to persuade even a fellow Christian, Rudd abused him instead and insulted his faith. He made an enemy of Christians who could have been his allies.

“I thought he was a bit rough,” Prater later told The Australian.

“I was a bit shocked because I feel we have to have a reasonable rational discussion about this.”











Outburst a pointer to Labor fall | Herald Sun.

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