Change.org is making more money from Alan jones campaigain then it did from Gavin King———-Is Change.org about Real Change or Just Pocket Change? « Wade Rathke: Chief Organizer Blog——————-It turns out that the Change.org business model is selling the aggregated email lists. I didn’t know that either, which makes two strikes against transparency. Sure a for-profit corporation can buy a .org website, since they are for sale, but to be so committed to not being transparent is a problem for me despite all of the good they are claiming to do.

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It turns out that the Change.org business model is selling the aggregated email lists. I didn’t know that either, which makes two strikes against transparency. Sure a for-profit corporation can buy a .org website, since they are for sale, but to be so committed to not being transparent is a problem for me despite all of the good they are claiming to do.

All of this makes a mockery of progressive movements, progressive causes, and the base of regular people of good faith who are joining these efforts without realization and therefore knowingly being fleeced like so many sheep to the slaughter. There is role for Change.org in this movement without a doubt, but we’re I’m at two strikes (for profit, list selling) and the third for me is wanting a true explanation from Rattray about his real intentions for Change.org which means a real story about why it is not constituted as a nonprofit?

Is Change.org about Real Change or Just Pocket Change? « Wade Rathke: Chief Organizer Blog.

One thought on “Change.org is making more money from Alan jones campaigain then it did from Gavin King———-Is Change.org about Real Change or Just Pocket Change? « Wade Rathke: Chief Organizer Blog——————-It turns out that the Change.org business model is selling the aggregated email lists. I didn’t know that either, which makes two strikes against transparency. Sure a for-profit corporation can buy a .org website, since they are for sale, but to be so committed to not being transparent is a problem for me despite all of the good they are claiming to do.

  1. Pingback: Change.org –the Brutal Betrayal ! « kracktivist

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